The Melbourne Communiqué is a key outcome of the 2010 International Healthy Parks Healthy People Congress. The Communiqué is a result of the collective discussions by Congress delegates and forms a basis for our commitment to the way forward.
The Melbourne Communiqué along with its endorsements will be formally presented to: International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), World Health Organisation, the Convention on Biological Diversity, World Park Leaders Forum and International Urban Parks and Green Space Alliance.
Your endorsement will represent an adoption of the HPHP philosophy and help forge greater global understanding and strengthening of the connection between nature and people.
Download the Melbourne Communiqué
Endorse the Melbourne Communiqué
A summary of the Melbourne Communiqué
A call to action!
Principles of Healthy Parks Healthy People
The Chairperson and the Congress Committee and delegates of the inaugural International Healthy Parks Healthy People Congress 2010 call on:
to adopt Healthy Parks Healthy People and make the following commitment:
“We commit to further our understanding of, and strengthen the connection between, nature and people. Our success depends on interdisciplinary collaboration and alliances.
We as leaders in our field commit to work together to strive for a healthy planet and healthy humanity, and continue to promote, facilitate and advance the health and vitality of the world’s parks and communities. We undertake to rethink our approach to improving human and environmental health and do all in our powers to reconnect people to nature.
We adopt the Healthy Parks Healthy People philosophy to protect the earth’s two most important assets – nature and people.”